Policy no.001
Date: May 2020
Review Date: May 2021
This serves as an amendment to our regular child Policy and is a response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
The scope of this document is to set out the new ways of working in line with our COVID-19 Risk assessment, Government guidelines and Newham Early Years requirements. The standard childcare Policy remains in place except for the areas amended in this document. As and when requirements change, whether through our risk assessment, Government guidelines or Newham Early Years requirement, this document will be amended accordingly.
Parents are to be assured that adaptations are necessary and therefore to be adhered to so we can create a safe and healthy environment for our children to thrive in. We encourage you to let us know if you have any concerns, have identified any potential risks, or have any suggestions for further adaptations we can make - you can do this by raising concerns or making suggestions to the Nursery Manager abrahamscare@live.co.uk or to charmaine@rccltd.org.uk (Director of Resources) River Christian Centre.
If you or someone you live with or has coronavirus symptoms
It is absolutely essential that if you, your child or anyone you live with develops: -
- A fever, particularly a high temperature (ie a temperature of 37.8 degrees or over);
- A continuous cough; or
- loss of sense of taste or smell,
That you do not attend the nursery. You must self-isolate in accordance with the Government's guidance at www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection.
Travel to and from the Nursery
We encourage you to minimise their use of public transport, by walking or cycling (if you have an adapted cycle) where possible. If travelling by car, you must not car-share with anyone outside your house.
Clothing used to travel on public transport, should, where possible, be wash on the same day.
Nursery hours will be between 9am – 5pm ONLY
Bringing your child to Nursery.
- Only use the FRONT entrance for drop offs
- Collection of your child / children will be done from the TRAINING CENTRE (Kid’s Club) side ONLY
- Both the entrance and collection areas are marked with 2Metre social distancing marks “X” at the front and “____” at the collection. This must be adhered to.
- Parents / carers are not allowed in the Nursery
- Arrival and collection times will be stagger, so we can reduce congestion and maintain social distancing.
- Your child / children will be met outside the doors of the nursery for both delivery and collection, staff will be fitted with Personal Protective Equipment.
- These measures mean that parents / carers should expect delays in both drop and collection times.
- If your child is unwell (coughs, colds, hay fever, temperature, diarrhoea, suspicious spots, loss of appetite, lethargic to name a few) DO NOT bring them to the Nursery as we will not be able to accept them.
- If a child becomes unwell at the nursery, they will be taken to the Isolation Room, where they will be attended to by staff wearing full Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Parent / carer will be required to collect the child as soon as possible.
- We will not be able to administer any medication; Calpol or prescription medication
- Each child will have individually allocated utensils, toys, craft items, playthings and writing equipment that will be cleaned and maintained separately for them.
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
If you are travelling by public transport, we encourage the use face covering where possible. If you child is using a face covering for travel purposes, this will be removed and kept in a separate bag to be washed when you return home. Each journey requires a clean face covering. Face covering is not a replacement for social distancing
Nursery Fees
Abrahams Care have taken all due diligence to ensure that the nursery is a safe and secure place for our children. We want to assure parents and cares that we have taken stringent measures with the cleaning, preparation and maintenance of the nursery. With this in mind we will reopen the nursery 01st June 2020. Nursery places become available from 01st June 2020 therefore fees become due from that day, whether you take up the space or not.
Where there are arrears please continue to make the arranged payments.
For further details of adaptions and measure that have been taken, please ask for a copy of our COVID-19 Response Policy document
COVID-19 Response – Childcare Amendment
I confirm that I have received a copy of the COVID-19 Childcare Amendment document.
I can confirm that I have read and understood what my instructions and expectations are when taking my child / children to Abrahams Care Nursery.
Name: _____________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________
Date: ______________________________________