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COVID-19 Response Policy Document










Policy no.01









Version: 1


Date: May 2020


Review Date: May 2021







As the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown is eased, we recognise that our organisation needs to return to normal operations where possible and adapt to new ways of working where required. This policy explains the changes to our working environment and new ways of working.

These adaptations have been informed by our COVID-19 risk assessment, the results of which can be found in your Policy folder. We have consulted with Early Years and Newham about the changes.

We encourage you to let us know if you have any concerns, have identified any potential risks, or have any suggestions for further adaptations we can make - you can do this by raising concerns or making suggestions to (Director of Resources) or Melaine Gill 

In advance of our return

We have identified the minimum number of workers needed to operate safely and effectively, while maintaining social distancing, in the Nursery.

We are asking only workers required to meet current Nursery ratio guidelines, or essential Centre business to physically attend the premises. Work that can be done from home, such as support/administrative staff, should continue to be done from home. Some of our workforce are on furlough as a result of the pandemic and our reduced capacity and temporary reduction in the need for certain roles such as After School Club.

Workers with serious underlying health conditions who have been advised to shield against coronavirus should continue to do so for the duration of their shielding period. Workers in other vulnerable groups, such as pregnant workers and those aged 70 or over, are being consulted individually about potential adaptations to their role.

If you or someone you live with has coronavirus symptoms

It is absolutely essential that if you or anyone you live with develops: -

  • A fever, particularly a high temperature (ie a temperature of 37.8 degrees or over);
  • A continuous cough; or
  • loss of sense of taste or smell,

That you do not attend the Nursery and self-isolate in accordance with the Government's guidance at

In line with our sickness absence reporting procedure, you should notify your Line Manager or Deputy by telephone before you are due to start work, or as soon as possible if that is not practical.


Travel to and from work

We encourage workers to minimise their use of public transport, including by walking or cycling where possible. If travelling by car, you must not car-share with anyone outside your household.

Where you need to use public transport, please think about social distancing, where possible staying two metres away from others and avoiding touching surfaces. If you can, wear a face covering on public transport.

Workers using public transport may find it helpful to refer to the Government's guidance at and

You must wash your hands thoroughly when you arrive at work, using the handwashing facilities or hand sanitisers provided. You should also wash your hands thoroughly as soon as you get home from work.

Working patterns

To reduce the risk of infection spread, we have introduced the following measures:

  • We have a reduced working day, the Nursery will operate between 9am – 5pm in line with our COVID-19 risk assessment and the suggestions in the Government's guidance on returning to a range of different types of work in Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19).
    • staggering the arrival / collection times for parents
    • External drop-off of children to be collected by staff in Personal Protective Equipment
    • Staggered Break and lunch time for staff in designated larger area to avoid congestion.
    • Lunching onsite to reduce unnecessary travel
    • Staff will work a complete day, limiting number of personnel accessing setting and children’s area
    • using "fixed teams or partnering" so each person works with only a few others.
    • Individually allocated utensils, cups, plates, craft items, playthings, mats, blankets, writing equipment for all children
    • removing hot-desking arrangements in Centre

You should speak to your Line Manager or Deputy if you have any specific needs around your working patterns, for example because of childcare responsibilities or travel difficulties.

Hygiene and cleanliness

General measures

To reduce the risk of infection spread, we have introduced the following measures:

  • More stringent accountable measures for toilets and other unavoidable shared facilities. based on our COVID-19 risk assessment and the suggestions in the Government's guidance on returning to a range of different types of work in Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19).
    • installing additional hand sanitisers, including at entrances and exits.
    • cleaning work areas and equipment frequently.
    • having signage and posters to provide regular reminders to workers to maintain hygiene standards.
    • Single and separate use microwave, where not possible, microwave to be cleaned after each use.
    • Please bring your own food and utensils as sharing of food and utensil is not allowed.
    • Help us maintain hygiene by cleaning your area before and after use.
    • removing waste and belongings from the work area at the end of shifts.


Playing your part

While we are taking these stringent additional measures, we would like to remind you to play your part by:

  • washing your hands often and thoroughly.
  • Sanitise hands before applying protective mask or gloves
  • avoiding touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose and mouth
  • coughing or sneezing into a tissue, and binning it safely, or into your arm if a tissue is not available.
  • Donning protective equipment to receive and deliver children.
  • Adhering to signage / reminders to wash / sanitise.
  • Start work in clean clothing which should be removed and washed as soon as you return home.
  • We encourage you to take personal responsibility when not in work to maintain social distancing, was and sanitise your hands regularly.


Social distancing measures

General measures

While at work, you must maintain social distancing of two metres wherever possible. To assist with social distancing, we have introduced the following measures, based on your COVID-19 risk assessment and the suggestions in the Government's guidance on returning to a range of different types of work in Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19).

  • spacing working areas.
  • having floor markings to help workers to maintain social distancing.
  • working back to back or side to side (rather than face to face) where possible.
  • introducing one-way systems to reduce instances of workers having to pass each other in close proximity; and
  • having signage and posters advising on limits to numbers entering specific areas such as break areas, toilets, changing rooms.

You should continue to practice social distancing in common areas, including at workplace entrances and exits, in break areas and toilets.


As part of our social-distancing measures, staff meetings will be conducted remotely where possible.

  • only essential participants should attend physical meetings.
  • meetings should be kept as short as possible.
  • social distancing of two metres should be maintained throughout.
  • objects such as stationery should not be shared; and
  • meetings should be held in a well-ventilated room whenever possible.

Hand sanitisers are provided in meeting rooms and areas where meetings frequently take place. Floor markings are also provided to help workers to maintain social distancing.

Customers and visitors

To reduce the risk of infection spread, we have introduced the following measures:

  • Based on our COVID-19 risk assessment and the suggestions in the Government's guidance on returning to a range of different types of work in Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19). Examples include:
    • restricting the number of persons allowed on the premises at any one time, bearing in mind the space available and the need to maintain social distancing.
    • introducing other infection-control measures for the nursery, such as designated drop off and pick up points for the children.
    • suspending or reducing services that cannot be undertaken without contravening social-distancing guidelines, such as Kids Club
    • providing clear guidance to visitors to your premises, such as delivery workers. Deliveries to the inner door of Reception only, unless a signature is required. This should be done behind the closed door and hands should be immediately sanitised.
    • Review of ordering procedure. Larger quantities with less frequent deliveries where this is possible.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Our approach to additional PPE

In line with our COVID-19 risk assessment, the use of additional PPE (such as face masks) is required and is provided for you. Specifically, for the accepting and handing over of young children to parents and personal sanitation of a child.

Face coverings

The use of a face covering (which is not considered PPE) is a matter of individual choice. If you choose to use a face covering, you must follow the Government's advice at This advice includes that you:

  • wash your hands thoroughly before putting a face covering on and after removing it;
  • change your face covering if it becomes damp or if you have touched it; and
  • change and wash your face covering daily.

The use of a face covering is not a replacement for observing our social distancing guidelines.


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